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Created 3-May-09
Modified 3-May-09
The weekend of May 1-2, 2009, will live in history as the weekend a special group of terrific people got together: The Jackson High School Class of 1959. For our 50th reunion, we did it up right. On Friday night, we all got together at classmate Everett's house (his wife Emily no doubt did most of the work, so thanks a bunch, Emily).
On Saturday evening, we attended the official alumni banquet at what is now Mississinawa Valley High school (our class was the last to graduate from Jackson before that school and Union City (Ohio) High School were consolidated. This year was extra special in that several classmates who hadn't come to any reunions since 1959 were present. In fact, all our remaining classmates except two showed up at least at one of the two events!
My husband Jack was in charge of photography, so most of the photos you see here he's responsible for. Enjoy these galleries, please sign the guest books and pass the link on to anyone you think might be interested. If you see a photo or photos you'd like to have, jot down the number(s), zap me an e-mail and I'll send them to you right away.
If any of you have photos you'd like to contribute to either of these galleries, let me know -- there were plenty of cameras in action! I'll be happy to upload them here (and give you credit for taking them)!
© Monnie Ryan