Created 6-May-17
Modified 6-May-17
May 2017 came in with a mighty roar - but thankfully a brief one. All of a sudden the wind started to howl, the sky darkened and the rain came down in torrents - for all of about 15 minutes. The damage in Mineral Ridge was widespread - many residents and businesses were without power. And while crews from FirstEnergy, Armstrong, Weathersfield Township and others worked 'round the clock, we had no electricity the rest of the day, the following day and more than half of the third.
Happily, we didn't lose much food in our freezers and didn't freeze ourselves at night - the temps stayed in the mid-50s so we were reasonably comfortable. Still, we were very glad when our house (and all our electronic gizmos) were powered up again!
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© Monnie Ryan