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Created 10-Oct-07
Modified 13-Feb-08
Visitors 43
145 photos
We've been to the west and east coasts of Michigan as well as the Upper Peninsula, and it's a beautiful state. Most of these photos are from the western coast, where we spent a week in June 2007.

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory:North America
Subcategory Detail:United States of America
Keywords:Bay City, Charlevoix, Fishtown, Lake, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Leland, Michigan, Michigan, Ontario, Traverse City, lighthouse, lighthouses

Bay CityBay CityBay CityBay CityBay CityCharlevoix Memorial BridgeHorton Bay General StoreRed Fox Inn, Horton BaySkateboard park, Traverse CitySkateboard park, Traverse CityTraverse CityTraverse CityTraverse CityTraverse CityTraverse CityTraverse CityGrand Traverse Lighthouse"Fishtown" historic area of Leland"Fishtown" historic area of Leland"Fishtown" historic area of Leland